Who Are We?

Kristen Still is a wellness coach with a BS in Health and Wellness from Purdue University. She works primarily with individuals with various disabilities and illnesses. She is passionate about helping all people live their best lives by providing health education and mentoring.

Lori Erwin-Johnson is a wellbeing educator and coach with an MS in Psychology, and has completed all but her dissertation towards a PhD. in Psychology with an emphasis in cognition and instruction. Her passion for mind-body healing began 25 years ago as a licensed massage therapist and energy healing practitioner. She went on to become trained in counseling and psychology, as well as receiving training in Spiritual Direction. Lori believes in healing the entire person: mind, body, and spirit. She currently works as an educator of emotional intelligence and spiritual direction. In addition, she coaches and mentors individuals with chronic illness and pain and has completed training to become a Pain Reprocessing Therapy TM Practitioner from the Pain Reprocessing Therapy Center, LLC.

Kristen Still, BS
Lori Erwin-Johnson, MS

Let's talk

Contact us if you have any questions, comments, information, or to request a half-hour free consult. We will get back to you shortly. Remember that you can also follow us on my social networks or write to our email: harmonyhealingwholeness@gmail.com